

8759 Uppsatser om Materiality analysis - Sida 1 av 584

En kropp av bokstäver och ett alfabet av kroppar : Om kroppens och språkets materialitet i Helena Erikssons poesi

Based on the assumption that the work of contemporary Swedish poet Helena Eriksson, in various ways elaborates the inseparable relation between body and language, this study aims to investigate how this view of language comes to expression in her poetry. Stepping from a theoretical background of feminist perspectives on the body, as well as recent theories on poetic materiality, the analysis points out how the concepts of aesthetic and/or linguistic materiality, social and technological materiality, and what can be described as the ethical dimension of materiality, all as termed by Jesper Olsson and Fredrik Hertzberg, take on feminist implications in Eriksson?s poetry. Through the theory of feminist anthropologist Vicki Kirby and her account of Derrida?s general view of writing, the study makes use of a deconstructive approach to the later work of Eriksson.

"Information-as-thing": Förhållandet mellan biblioteks- & informationsvetenskapen och materialbibliografin

The relation between LIS and physical bibliography is examined primarily through an analysis of such LIS literature as applies physical bibliography in research or otherwise discusses its relevance to information studies. Quite a number of scholars are stressing the usefulness of this bibliographical tradition, even though its position in LIS agenda as a whole seems to be less established. These scholars suggest that physical bibliography presents interesting conceptual and theoretical implications for many of the central objects of study in LIS, for example, knowledge organization, information retrieval, and information seeking. It is also suggested that physical bibliography could help deepen our knowledge and understanding of the digital media ecology. Physical bibliography is foremost seen as a method for the analysis of documents, a method in which not least its terminological apparatus may be a significant tool.

Det meningsskapande materialet : platsidentitet och materialitet i vår byggda omgivning

The physical environment is constructed of materials. The materiality of different places contributes to how places can be distinguished and the material can contribute to the construction of place identity. For architects with different orientations the material is one of the principal means by which they can express their idea. The material remains when the design process is finished and instead the material becomes a precondition for how people will perceive and deal with the place. The literature study of the essay examines how the concept of place and materiality is dealt with in different disciplines and how these descriptions are linked to the concept of place identity.

Now ? let's eat! : en etnologisk studie om mat, minne ochtillhörighet i den svenskjudiska diasporan

This master thesis is an ethnological study focusing members of a young, urban Jewishdiaspora in Sweden. The study's aim is to problematize and describe the relation between theJewish minority that is regarded as religious, and the secular normative majority societyregarded as non-religious. The study explores questions regarding social positioning,belonging and memory and how Jewish traditions are practiced in contemporary Sweden. Themethodological approaches are interviews and participation observations with a specific focuson food; its symbolic value and how food can materialize identities and communicatememories. The empirical data comprises 24 interviews in total, of which 11 interviews havebeen chosen and thus constitute the material on which the study's analysis is made upon.

Tillämpning av Teckal-undantaget på kommunägda aktiebolag. Fallstudie av Göteborgs stad och Gryaab AB

In this essay the aim is to look at difficulties in preservation of buildings in general, andespecially the ones of the modernist era. To navigate in this huge field the study is narroweddown to take place in Finspång, a small Swedish town. In Finspång there was a swimmingpool facility built in 1967. In 2003 the facility was closed down due to its unusable conditionsand then after seven years with discussions of different plans about what to do with thefacility it was demolished in 2010. This case is the base in the essay, and why it was notpreserved.The purpose of this essay is to look at what the people in Finspång think about preservation ofbuildings with the demolished swimming hall facility as base, and what impact materiality hason questions regarding preservation, cultural heritage, memory and history.

Den rivna simhallen - en etnologisk studie av bevarande, materialitet och kulturarv

In this essay the aim is to look at difficulties in preservation of buildings in general, andespecially the ones of the modernist era. To navigate in this huge field the study is narroweddown to take place in Finspång, a small Swedish town. In Finspång there was a swimmingpool facility built in 1967. In 2003 the facility was closed down due to its unusable conditionsand then after seven years with discussions of different plans about what to do with thefacility it was demolished in 2010. This case is the base in the essay, and why it was notpreserved.The purpose of this essay is to look at what the people in Finspång think about preservation ofbuildings with the demolished swimming hall facility as base, and what impact materiality hason questions regarding preservation, cultural heritage, memory and history.

Hållbarhetsredovisning : En studie kring skillnader mellan granskade respektive icke granskade företag

The purpose of this study was to examine the differences between non-audited and audited sustainability reports and in that way indicate the significance of auditing to the contents of a sustainability report. The study was delimited to include three companies that create sustainability reports according to GRI guidelines, and also have changed from non-audited to audited reports.The study is an exploratory study where we started from companies that follow GRI's standard and who have changed from being non-assured to assured and certified. In order to examine any differences we have started out from corporate sustainability reports and with the basis of these latter gather those changes which may have occurred during the changeover. We therefore chose to conduct a literature review on each company's non-audited sustainability reports and compare them with each company's audited and certified sustainability reports. Furthermore our study has been made on the basis of an assessment model based on the concepts of materiality, completeness and comparability.The study showed that the audited sustainability reports in all companies were more focused and more detailed about the aspects GRI established for the performance indicators.

Bokhandeln : En studie om lönsamheten i en enskild bokhandel

AbstractRunning an individual bookstore is not an easy task. And then to do it in a profitable way is even harder.In this study you will read about what matters to the profitability in a bookstore. There are several aspects of this but it may be of interest to know what is affecting most of a bookstore's profitability.These three theories were researched by examination of previous research. The theories were then compared to the empirical research of an individual bookstore. Developing the empirical research qualitative and quantitative data collection methods was used.

"Det här är inte ett hospice" : Konstruktioner av död och döende på en avdelning för palliativ vård

The study aims to analyze conceptions of death and dying at a clinic for palliative care, using a constructivist perspective and a discourse analytical approach. The empirical material consists of interviews with staff members, documents and photographs of the environment, taking both space and materiality into account. I conclude that the studied practice is mainly characterized by a tension between a caring discourse and a medical discourse..

Ett inkluderande landskap? : etniska relationer och erfarenheter på odlingslotter

The aim for this essay is to adress questions concering ethnic and cultural experiences and in what way it affects our experience of being in different landscapes. By studying how ethnic experiences are expressed in the landscape and the ongoing process of interaction between them, this essay sets out to discuss the significance of cultural aspects in the landscape. The perspective of this essay is that both landscape and ethnicity can be viewed as something constructed which is shaped and maintained by ongoing interactions in the landscape.While examples are taken from different parts of the western world, the main focus is to study how these experiences take place and are being negotiatiated in a particular landscape, an allotment area outside Malmö, Sweden.In the first part it is shown how the landscape can be read as a landscape of powerrelations and how these relations are related to ethnic experiences.In the next chapter the discussion concerns whether we can talk about different ?ethnic landscapes?. Research suggest that the use and perception of the landscape differs among ethnic groups.

Tjocka kroppar och smala platser : om överviktiga personers erfaranheter av att vistas i offentliga rum

How is the fat body constructed in public spaces? This essay deals with the experiances of five participants, being fat in public spaces. The fat body is often constructed as "matter out of place", more or less expected to be invisiable in public spaces. But living with a fat body isnt all about assimilation, wearing black clothes to fit in or staying at home in fear of facing comments of your body. More than being a body constructed as improperiate in public spaces, the participants view can be described as "revolting".

Hur revisorn skapar trygghet och säkerställer oberoendet

Purpose: The purpose of this study is to seek understanding, describe and analyse how auditors practically reassure and maintain their independence towards clients.Methodology: The study is conducted with a qualitative method with a deductive approach. The study is based on interviews with both experienced and recently graduated auditors.Conclusion: Our empirical results show that there are economical incentives that contradict the requirements to fulfil the auditor?s independence. The conclusion is that the media view is narrow and biased. Furthermore the auditors agree that an acceptable level of comfort is achieved by offering a high value, being a part of a large network of professionals and the ability to set materiality and evaluate risks. .

Upprättande av hållbarhetsredovisning: En fallstudie av Skellefteå Kraft

Denna studie bygger på ett uppdrag av Skellefteå Kraft, innefattande en förstudie som ska skapa underlag för beslut om företagets framtida hållbarhetsredovisning. För att hållbarhetsredovisningen ska bli trovärdig är det viktigt att informationen som kommuniceras är väsentlig, det vill säga fokuserad på de frågor som är mest avgörande för företaget. Studien syftar till att öka förståelsen för vilken information som kan vara väsentlig för företag att redovisa i en hållbarhetsredovisning. Genom en textanalys, en narrativ beskrivning av fallstudiens aktörsgrupper samt utveckling av en analysmodell avses aktörsgruppernas uppfattningar om vad som är väsentlig hållbarhetsinformation kartläggas. Utgångspunkten för den kvalitativa och explorativa fallstudien var ett aktörsorienterat synsätt, vilket genomsyrade arbetet med en intern väsentlighetsanalys.

Lärandets komplexa processer : Om maskulinitet och subjektsskapande i en teknikklass på gymnasiet.

My own experiences as an upper secondary school teacher and the increase in research on masculinity in educational settings that occurred during the late 1990 emphasizing on the gender gap in achievement and grades is the point of departure for this thesis. The aim is to investigate how boys in upper secondary school are constituted and constitute themselves as motivated and achieving learning subjects. Another aim is to see what possibilities there are to form different teaching practices to create other possible positions for me and the pupils. The research questions are 1) How does boys´ construction of masculinity constitute how they see their own ability to be motivated and achieve in school 2) What significance do my shifting approaches and expectations on the pupils as well as teaching have on the boys constitution as learning subjects? To answer these questions I use a theoretical framework of feminist poststructuralist.

Bokslut? Den skönlitterära e-boken ur ett läsarperspektiv

The aim of this thesis is to accomplish a user study on how e-book users experience the electronic book, the e-book, as an instrument for reading fiction. The study is based upon qualitative interviews with twelve e-book users and a small survey carried out at the Stockholm City Library. The purpose is to identify the users' incentive for choosing the e-book as a medium for reading fiction, elucidate if and how the interface of the e-book affects the reading experience, and distinguish if there are any factors common to the users in their choice of reading e-books. How the users look upon the future of the e-book is also discussed. Among the people asked in the survey we note little if any demand for the e-book as an instrument for reading fiction.

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